Reviewing the finer things in life

Tuesday 10 February 2009

I'm back... and let's hope for a while

A new year and a new start.

OK, OK, so the new year started a little while ago... but I've turned over a new leaf with regard this blog. I am going to make it more focused in its content. My job involves monitoring blogs and what I notice is that the most entertaining, most informative and hence most popular blogs are those which have a theme, or a cause and a level of expertise or at least enthusiasm for their subject.

Like most working people, I spend more time at work than virtually anywhere else. Whilst I enjoy many aspects of my job, I can't honestly describe it as my driving passion and I can't claim that it's the most worthwhile of jobs. I have pondered this situation and what I really want to do is to make my work worthwhile, make it count and make it something about which I'm passionate.

One area in which I am particularly interested is social enterprise, work which can be profitable, but also makes a positive contribution to society and promotes the right things for both the environment and society. Only today, David Cameron was promoting social enterprise as the way to make capitalism popular again.

I see a great and exciting future for social enterprise. It's an area I want to explore more and those explorations will be shared on this blog.

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