Reviewing the finer things in life

Sunday 6 April 2008

News and views

First thing’s first, given my last, rather old now, post, I guess I should mention how very sad it is that Shannon’s stepfather, Craig Meehan, has been charged for possessing indecent images of children. However, for all those who contributed to her search, I still think it was so wonderful that she was found alive and well.

And, despite Zimbabwean elections (when will Mugabe be got rid of – it’s so close now and yet still feels so far away), BA PR disasters (what were they thinking?) and pro-Tibet riots when the world is supposed to be “uniting” around the Olympic torch (the riots being a really good and important statement); there are still bits of news that show human nature in its most positive light.

One of these last week surrounds the tragic air accident, when a Cessna jet crashed into a house in Farnborough, Kent on Sunday 30 March. The owners of the house which the aircraft destroyed, Ed and Pat Harman, were so admirable when they visited the wreck of their house. All they could say was how sorry they were for the family and friends of the accident’s five victims (David Leslie, Richard Lloyd, Mike Roberts, Christopher Allarton, and Michael Chapman) and how grateful they were to be alive. Hardly a word did they mention about their – not comparable to the victim’s family and friends – but definite loss, the house in which they had spent the majority of their married life and brought up their two sons. I find this selflessness in the light of a general horrific tragedy, which was in a small part theirs, incredibly impressive and reassuring about the good and resilient side of human nature.

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